Weet bix (Weetabix) diet- A quick and easy weight loss meal plan


 This is a very easy diet to follow and it is based on the same principle as the Special K diet. You can expect to lose up to 5lb on this diet.

As with any diet, please consult your physician if you have any underlying medical conditions. Try to keep the diet plan to 3 to 5 days before switching to your normal diet. Any longer than this might end up making you feel tired. Do 30 minutes of gentle exercise every day.

Weet-Bix/Weetabix is 97 percent wholegrain, and provides you with a good source of iron and vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Providing a natural source of fibre, Weet-Bix/ Weetabix is also low in fat and sugar and contains five essential vitamins and minerals. Eating fortified breakfast cereals in the morning will help towards meeting your daily iron and vitamin B supplements. In this plan, you will have weetbix twice a day- once for breakfast and once for dinner, although if you want to substitute it for lunch instead, you're welcome to. However, having something different for lunch will break up the monotony. This plan is incredibly easy to do since it doesn't require much food preparation.

Since weet-bix/weetabix is high in fibre, this will have the added benefit of losing belly fat. Do ensure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water that will help to flush out any extra bloat that you're carrying and will reduce the water weight

Weet-bix is from Sanitarium foods in Australia/ New Zealand and has a distinctive blue packaging. 

Weetabix is produced in the United Kingdom and has a distinctive yellow packaging. However, there are many similar supermarket brands such as Sainsburys, Tesco that produced whole grain breakfast biscuits with similar nutrition.  Do check out the nutrition info before buying and if you're not able to find these cereals, you could substitute the weet-bix/weetabix with 1 cup cooked oatmeal instead. Do not substitute with other cereals  which might be laden with sugar.

The calorie content of 2 Weetabix biscuits is 134 calories and when served with 125ml of semi-skimmed milk (60 calories) is about 200 calories. Eating weetbix with 1/2 cup of berries will keep the calories down and still get your share of antioxidants.

Calorie content of 2 Weet-bix biscuits is 105 calories and when served with 125ml of semi-skimmed milk (60 calories) comes to under 200 calories.

Eating breakfast within 30 to 60 minutes of waking up will keep your metabolism revved up and will set you up for the day.


Breakfast- 2 weetbix with low fat or skim milk and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)

Mid-morning snack- 1 medium banana

Lunch- 1 cup brown rice with steamed broccoli and carrots, and grilled chicken (palm-sized portion of chicken breast) Vegetarians can substitute 1/2 avocado instead of chicken. Squeeze some lime on the avocado to get additional flavor.

Evening snack- 1 boiled egg and carrot sticks

Dinner- 2 weetbix with low fat or skim milk and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)


Breakfast- 2 weetbix with low fat or skim milk and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)

Mid-morning snack- 1 medium banana

Lunch- Baked salmon with a side of vegetables

Evening snack- 1 small wholemeal pita bread with 2 spoons of hummus

Dinner- 2 weetbix with low fat or skim milk and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)


Breakfast- 2 weetbix with low fat or skim milk and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)

Mid-morning snack- 1 medium banana or 1 wholegrain toast with hummus

Lunch-1 cup brown rice with grilled veggies (zucchini, aubergine, capsicum)

Evening Snack - 1 cup of unsweetened low fat yogurt; if you're craving for sugar, add one spoon of honey

Dinner-  2 weetbix with low fat or skim milk and berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)

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