Why should I eat breakfast to lose weight?

Skipping breakfast in order to cut calories might seem like a good idea but it could end up backfiring on you and stall your weight loss efforts. Instead, have a delicious breakfast and boost your energy as well as health.Breakfast does not have to be the same boring meal every single day- you can mix it up with variety and you'll enjoy looking forward to each morning. Scroll down below for some wonderful gourmet breakfast ideas.

There are many benefits to eat your breakfast and here are five essential reasons to eat breakfast every morning.


1) Break the fast

When your alarm goes off in the morning, your body has gone at least eight hours without food. Your body responds by slowing down the metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories), so it's very important to eat something within 30 to 60 minutes upon waking up in order to rev up your metabolism again.

2) Boost of energy

Having a good, healthy breakfast will give you energy for the day ahead. Running on an empty stomach can make you irritable and affect your mood for the rest of the day. 

3) Boost your health

Breakfast helps to boost heart health, immunity and your digestive system. 

Regularly skipping breakfast can increase the rise of heart disease by contributing to risk factors like obesity and high cholesterol as well as triggering high insulin levels which is a precursor to diabetes.

4) Helps maintain weight

Having a good breakfast will keep your appetite in check. 

If you skip your breakfast, you might feel so hungry later on in the day that you might make bad dietary choices for lunch and reach for high-calorie snacks like cookies and cake before you know it.

5) Boosts your brainpower

People who have a healthy breakfast have better concentration levels, improved mental alertness and are more likely to perform mental tasks better than those who go to work on an empty stomach.

Fabulous Breakfast ideas

- Wholemeal pancakes with a drizzle of honey and berries 

- Baked beans on wholemeal toast. Reach out for the low salt, low sugar variety

- Muesli topped with sliced fruits (do experiment with fruits in season such as mango, kiwifruit, strawberries) and low fat milk

- Wholegrain bagel with smoked salmon and low fat cream cheese

- Whole grain cereals such as Bran flakes, Weetabix etc with skimmed milk and berries

- Porridge with berries or sliced banana and low fat milk. Top it up with some toasted almond slices

- Scrambled eggs on 2 slices of wholemeal toast with mixed peppers and onions cooked in olive oil

- For those who cannot envision eating first thing in the morning, how about a liquid breakfast instead? Here's a quick recipe for a Breakfast smoothie - blend 1/3 cup instant oatmeal, 1 cup frozen berries and 1/2 cup skimmed milk with 1 tsp honey

- 2 slices of multigrain bread, toasted and spread with crunchy peanut butter

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