Top New Year's resolutions and wishes for 2021!


With the New Year almost upon us, it's the time for the age-old tradition of New Year resolutions. Why don't you try something different for this year? 

Here are some New Year resolutions that I recommend!

1) Practise kindness and compassion

The year 2020 brought to light the inherent injustices and inequalities in our society with the most vulnerable people suffering the worst in a pandemic. At the same time, it brought to light the importance of humanity and compassion. Truly, we depended on the kindness of strangers this year. Now more than ever, we should make an effort to resolve problems in our society. Make a resolve to practise kindness and compassion.

If you're in a position where you can contribute to reducing inequality in the world, please do so even if it's a small effort such as donating to the needy, giving up your seat to those in need or volunteering at your preferred charity.

2) Feel gratitude for life

Before 2020's pandemic train wreck happened, we took so many things for granted and so many relationships in our life for granted too. 

In the midst of disaster, we were forced to take a closer look at our lives and review our values in life. Did we spend too much time chasing after money? Did we spend too much time at work and neglect our relationships? Did you get estranged from your closest family even though you didn't mean to? Did you focus more on possessions rather than relationships?

 At the end of the day, you look at your life and see if you derived happiness and contentment from it. Most of the time, that contentment will come only from nurturing relationships.

So, feel gratitude for life and commit to nurturing what is important to you.

3) Calm down

2020 had us perpetually stressed, with our Zoom calls reflecting a very calm exterior while inside many of us were lonely and worn out from worry. Here are some tips on how to reduce stress on your body and calm your mind.

So, calm down and approach things with a Zen state of mind.

4) Wellness Resolutions

More than weight loss resolutions for this year, look at having wellness resolutions. 

Resolve to dedicate time for your exercise, for your personal relaxation and don't be too hard on yourself.

5) Get your finances in order

A pandemic exposes our financial weaknesses. Have you saved enough for a rainy day? Are you on the right path to saving for retirement? Living paycheck to paycheck is not sustainable and can have devastating consequences at the time of emergency.

If you don't have much savings, save, save and save. Have an emergency stash that will tide you over for at least 3 to 6 months. Create a financial plan that will help you save up for your retirement.

6) Plan your bucket list

Nothing like a pandemic to make a person zero in on their deep desires! The pandemic made us realize that maybe it's not worth postponing all your dreams for later on in life. Did you have a passion for drawing and didn't create the time to pursue it further? Did you have a wish that you kept putting off for a better time? Have you always wanted to finish reading War and Peace but kept postponing that? Whatever it is, the pandemic made us realize that life can be so unpredictable. So don't postpone living to the future but focus also on living in the here and now.

Although the virus is going to be with us for some more time and we can't really travel or do all the things that we might like to do, do plan out your things to do for your bucket list. Even if you can't tick the items off the list immediately, drafting the list itself will give you hope and direction in your life to follow your dreams.


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